Airing weekdays at 7:30 A.M. on

Airing weekdays at 7:30 A.M. on


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) affects more than 24 million Americans and is the third leading cause of death in the United States. Since there remains no cure, the focus is on prevention, early diagnosis, and innovative treatment options to help patients manage the disease better. The Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) has developed recommendations for COPD management. Stay tuned!



Opioid dependence is a chronic relapsing neurological disorder that impacts areas of the brain that are critical to judgment, decision-making, learning, memory and behavior control. With very few medications available, Access Health is proud to bring you news of a novel approach to treatment. Recognizing the need for innovative approaches to addiction treatment as a chronic relapsing disease, Braeburn Pharmaceuticals is bringing a new treatment in the form of an implant for opioid dependence. Join us.



Healing from serious wounds can be a lengthy and painful process. There is now an FDA-approved, platelet-derived product that can help jump-start the healing process by harnessing your body’s natural healing properties. Learn about this advanced wound care technology, which can have a significant impact on quality of life and is effective for all stages of wound care for non-healing wounds.



The growing field of genetics has made remarkable advances, including identifying genetic changes which increase the risk of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and several types of cancer. With hundreds of genetic tests on the market, Ambry Genetics, a leader in the genetic testing arena, is bringing us the latest information. Join us on Access Health as we examine why awareness, risk assessment and genetic testing are so important.



Today's show takes a closer look at the causes and solutions of bone pain. When you have an achy knee, you may think the best thing to do is to stop moving. But the truth is, the best thing to do is keep moving! What about shoulder pain? Total shoulder replacement is one of the best solutions. Stay tuned to find out why! Finally, we discuss bone metastasis, which occurs when cancer has spread to a bone in your rib, leg, or hip. This can pose serious health risks.



One in two Americans will experience symptomatic knee osteoarthritis (OA), commonly known as wear-and-tear arthritis. The debilitating effects of pain can lead to inactivity, weight gain, and other health related issues. Access Health is joined by Dr. Tracy Ray, who introduces a conservative approach to healing that addresses pain management, proper alignment, strength, and stability.



Imagine you’re a patient with cancer encouraged by a string of successful treatments. You’ve overcome setback after setback and finally feel some measure of control over your disease. Now imagine discovering that your cancer has spread to a bone in your rib, or your leg, or your hip, weakening the bone to the point that it needs radiation therapy, or worse, that it breaks without warning.



Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) is the most common type of liver cancer. With a survival rate at about 17 percent, the diagnosis can be devastating. Host Ereka Vetrini joins Dr. Laura Finedeiss to learn more about HCC, including those at risk, early detection, and innovative treatments.



Got shoulder pain? Join the club! It’s estimated that nearly 100 million Americans suffer from some sort of shoulder issue, and when they do, shoulder replacement surgery is often the only effective recourse. Tune in to learn about the shoulder procedure that’s a true game-changer.


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